The Importance of Natural Light in Assisted Living Apartments

Among all the things we take for granted, our appreciation for natural light definitely isn't as high as it should be. It's one of those things that we quickly suffer for the lack of in its absence, but might not realize the cause. Ensuring we have healthy lighting in our homes is one of the most important factors when it comes to general health and affects us more strongly than you might expect.
If you'd like to learn more about the importance of natural light, particularly within assisted living apartments, this is the article for you!
Improving Senior Living
The goal of assisted living for seniors is to maximize quality of life wherever possible. This means taking a step back and asking where improvements might be made, and what their benefits would be. Small changes soon add up, so taking care to appreciate as many variables as possible and how they impact our lives can make all the difference.
Sometimes it takes a moment's reflection to realize what our fundamental necessities are. Natural light is everywhere, so we often overlook its importance in our lives, but we rarely give a thought to what life would be like without it. Similarly, we forget to do whatever we can to ensure our life is as full of natural light as possible, and the importance of doing so.
The foundational requirements of human beings don't change as we get older. In fact, if anything, the importance of their presence in our lives only increases. Improving the amount and quality of the natural light in assisted living apartments leads to enhanced senior well-being and for more reasons than one.
Benefits of Natural Light
The benefits of increasing the exposure of our surroundings and our bodies to natural night are considerable. The first and most obvious impact is on our health and general well-being. It's not obvious at face value, but our bodies require considerable sun exposure for optimal vitamin D synthesis.
Without adequate vitamin D levels, our bodies aren't able to absorb calcium properly, an issue if left unchecked can lead directly to brittle bones, poor dental health, and even compromised immunity. Our mental health also takes a direct hit from a lack of sunlight, which causes a slump in the production of serotonin, a hormone closely associated with mood regulation.
If you've ever heard of the term "seasonal affective disorder", you'll know that it's most commonly felt during the darker days of the year.
Sunlight puts a smile on our faces, provided it's in tolerable doses. Higher levels of serotonin promote calmness and reduce levels of stress and anxiety. This in turn also provides better sleep, which is another foundationally important factor for good health in general.
Promoting Healthy Living Environments
The divide between inside and outside has never been in such stark contrast as it is today. As technology progresses and we rely more on innovations to shore up our physical and mental health, it's all too easy to lose sight of the basics. Flat-screen televisions and internet access undoubtedly have their places in our lives, but they make poor replacements for the essentials.
A room flooded with natural light punctuated here and there with the green of potted plants is a balm to the senses. The difference a single window makes to someone's well-being is substantial, especially where there wasn't one before. There's a reason the most severe punishments for breaking the law include extended periods of being cut off from natural light, or even from a view of the sky.
Surviving took us thousands of years of battling against the savagery of nature to secure a foothold in a hostile world. These days, despite our success, we're still intent on removing as much of nature from our surroundings as possible, as if right angles and flat surfaces are an antidote. We lived in dark caves, hidden from predators and the sunlight alike, not out of choice but out of necessity.
We're safe, and so are our seniors. There's no need to live in caves anymore, and the effects of introducing a flood of natural light into as many of our spaces as possible speak for themselves, especially when it comes to assisted living design.
The Effect of Healthy Lighting
We're more sensitive to our surroundings than we realize, most of the time. This is usually due to the unfortunate fact that we so often have to ignore the blandness of our surroundings. Gray boxes set into gray parking lots leaves a lot to be desired.
Conversely, a room or apartment that has felt the benefit of a keen eye for aesthetic appeal is a joy to behold. The interplay between light and space alone is enough to lift the spirits of the beholder when done skillfully. Light opens up spaces, ferreting out the dark from dusty corners while framing a blank canvas of possibility.
The bolstering effect of taking charge of space by ushering in natural light comes with a boost to mental well-being that has to be felt to be believed. If you've recently found yourself struggling to find contentment, or in the midst of feelings of isolation or depression, throw open your curtains and you'll feel better for doing so. Just because it's a simple solution that doesn't cost anything doesn't mean it's not effective.
Sometimes allowing ourselves appreciation for the little things is all that's necessary to turn our day around. There's a reason doctors used to prescribe doses of sunlight and fresh air, after all.
Discovery Village Trinity
Healthy lighting is a way of life at our assisted living experience in Tampa Bay. In Florida, we're proud to enjoy some of the best sunlight on the planet, and we make the most of it every day. Our seniors feel the benefit of it, too, and have been for many years.
If you have any questions about our philosophy regarding natural light or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always on hand to reply to queries, and we would love to hear from you!