Tailoring Meal Plans for Assisted Senior Living

According to NCBI, it's estimated that as many as 90% of older adults have a poor diet. Seniors can quickly become malnourished, especially those with impaired taste or who experience difficulty chewing and swallowing.
This is why quality senior meals are an absolute necessity. They are designed with each older adult's unique nutritional needs and work to keep seniors healthy and thriving.
But how do you prepare custom senior diets for those relying on assisted living meal plans? This is where Discovery Village Trinity comes into play. Keep reading to learn about the tailored meal plans available for residents.
Nutritional Needs for Seniors
Data from WebMD shows that older adults need more protein as part of a well-balanced healthy diet. One way of doing this is by adding tiny little pieces of meat to any dishes made with rice or meat. Since seniors tend to become full faster, each meal needs to be as healthy as possible.
Another great way to add protein is with some seeds or nuts sprinkled into salads. However, not all older adults can chew these meals, so protein will need to be pureed.
Seniors can also maintain muscle with proteins such as:
- Seafood, including salmon and tuna
- Foods with fortified soy
- Dairy
- Peas
- Beans
- Lentils
- Beef
- Grilled chicken
In addition to protein, healthy senior eating plans are low in sugar and also saturated fats. They're also low-sodium. HealthinAging.org explains that 70% of adults aged 60 and older live with high blood pressure, so keeping sodium to a minimum is part of any great senior meals.
Seniors also benefit from working with nutritionists, ensuring each meal is well-balanced and incorporates healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein, along with vitamins and minerals.
Custom Senior Meal Plans: Dietary Restrictions
The first thing to consider is dietary restrictions. If any foods or food groups must be avoided (for health or personal choices), plan accordingly.
Some types of dietary restrictions include gluten-free meal plans or diets for heart disease and diabetes. There are other special diets designed for:
- Allergies
- Food intolerances
- Food sensitivities
Other dietary restrictions include low-carb diets for any residents who need to manage their weight. Heart-healthy diets are ideal for anyone experiencing cardiac-related issues.
Fortunately, senior communities such as Discovery Village Trinity are well-equipped to cater to any type of food restrictions.
Food Preferences
A senior's food preference can be just as important as their restrictions. Someone who prefers a certain type of cuisine would benefit from a meal plan that makes food as appealing as possible, especially if they also have dietary restrictions and can't eat some of their favorite meals.
Since the olfactory senses tend to wane with age, their food needs to be made as appealing as possible, with presentation just as important as taste. Chefs curate tailored meals that tick all the nutritional boxes but also appeal to residents.
Benefits of Assisted Living Meal Planning
TestHut reports that 60% of Americans make homecooked meals at least five days a week. For seniors in assisted living, however, they might experience difficulty with food preparation.
Here are some benefits:
Nutritional Needs
An experienced chef will work with a dietician to create meals that tick all of a resident's nutritional boxes. This is achieved by using fresh ingredients, especially lean protein and leafy greens.
Portion control and caloric needs are also considered by chefs and dieticians, working to provide older adults with plenty of energy while reducing the incidence of malnutrition and diet-related food complications.
Better Quality of Living
It's reported that more than half the population of global consumers consider themselves "foodies" (GlobalData). A person's love of food doesn't always change just because they age. Yes, dietary restrictions can impact what an older adult eats, but it doesn't diminish the role food plays in their lives.
By creating customized senior meals that focus on a person's food preferences, their quality of life is retained while they enjoy a delicious meal. A positive dining experience is essential for the elderly, especially if they're unable to eat the foods they once loved.
This is also why social dining is so important for residents in assisted living. When they dine with other residents, they'll have the opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones, sharing a meal they all enjoy.
Senior Meals Help To Retain Independence
Older adults might have issues with food preparation. Shopping, chopping vegetables, and cooking may present an issue, especially for seniors with limited mobility or cognitive impairment. However, customized meals make it easy for seniors to enjoy the foods they love without having to focus on food preparation.
When seniors have access to nutritious meals, they'll feel less anxious, knowing they have consistent access to healthy food tailored to their nutritional needs.
How to Make Meals Appealing
Seniors with dietary needs might find certain meals unappealing. To keep them motivated to eat, consider encouraging exercise before meals. This works to create an appetite.
Seniors don't have to do much, but even a short walk outside can help to stimulate an appetite. Encourage them to partake in activities and events with other residents.
Scheduled mealtimes also work to promote healthy eating habits. While creating senior meals, work on a food schedule that ties into hunger cues.
Work with a dietician to add different flavors to meals, ensuring each additive works with specific diets. Some seasonings may be forbidden due to dietary restrictions, but for residents who can safely consume flavors, look to add them if possible.
As stated, communal dining works to make food appealing, using meal time as a way of socializing older adults. Just because someone is older doesn't mean they don't love gourmet meals with friends.
Meal Preparation for the Elderly
Senior meals aren't a one-size-fits-all. They require the help of a nutritionist and an experienced chef who understands the unique, complex needs of all residents. What one senior eats might not be appropriate for someone else, but the takeaway is the same: meals should be nutritious, a time for socializing (if possible), and delicious.
Discovery Village Trinity can help. Our residents benefit from a diverse menu, along with vegan, gluten-free, and heart-healthy options. Contact us today to learn more.